Thursday, August 27, 2009

Remember the Lord, Great and Awesome

"Do not be afraid of them. Remember the Lord, great and awesome." These are the words of Nehemiah (NEH 4:14) as the opposition tried to create confusion and stop the work to which God had called them.

The following is an excerpt from Ann Spangler's book "Praying the Names of God":
Thousands of years later, we still face forces intent on destroying us - enemies that eat away at faith, that corrode relationships, that destroy families. Some of us are bone weary from the struggle, about to give up on the spouse who seems so distant, the child who has wandered away from God, the job we can't seem to succeed at, or the prayer that has gone so long unanswered. If that describes your spiritual state, let the words of Nehemiah sink into the raw places of your heart where disappointment lodges: "Remember the Lord, who is great and awesome." Now is not the time to give up or give in. Remember whose servant you are. Fight in His strength for your children, your marriage, your church. Do whatever it takes for however long it takes, knowing the Lord is with you.

Enough said, Now to do - Mark

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