Saturday, May 9, 2009

Happy Birthday Brandon!

Brandon my #2 child and favorite son (yes he's the only son) turns 19 today. We surprised him with a party last night. His mom went to great lengths to pull it all together and it worked!

What is not a surprise is the awesome man of God he is becoming. We prayed for years and it is so exciting to see God answering those prayers before our eyes. To see your children active in ministry when you don't have to MAKE them is such a blessing.

He is a talented drummer. He tells me that he would be even better if we had not waited so long to LET him play, but that's a story for another day. He is starting to move out from behind the drums now and lead worship in a different way. He has picked up the guitar and started singing with a voice that many were surprised he had. Most of all he shows a heart that longs to truly worship God and lead others to do the same.

He and his friends have started The Ticket Ministry . They are doing music and bible study for youth and college events. Check them out. They do a great job!

Son - I love you and I'm very proud of you. As my dad used to say, "Remember who you are and whose you are!" Stay "clean and close" and I know God is going to use you in incredible ways!

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