Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Worship Away the Fear

Lions, and Tigers, and Bears... Oh My!

Psalm 57 finds David facing trouble. You can almost see David's eyes as they shift back and forth from the enemy surrounding Him up to the heavens to"God Most High". "I am surrounded by fierce lions"..."Be exalted, O God, above the heavens"... "My enemies have set a trap for me. I am weary from distress"..."My heart is confident in You, O God; no wonder I can sing your praise!"

How do we overcome all that seems to surround us each day? Meditate on HIS greatness. Thank the Lord. Sing HIS praise. "Your unfailing love is as high as the heavens. Your faithfulness reaches to the clouds. Be exalted, O God, above the highest heavens. May Your glory shine over all the earth."

Focus on a great God and the problems will become small. Realize that God will fulfill His purpose for you. Worship away the fear!

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