Tuesday, May 19, 2009

You're in time-out!

Have you ever noticed that the things that are "punishment" for kids are viewed as blessings by adults. "Go to your room" - "Lay down and take a nap" - "You're in time-out". Well maybe that "time-out" one is still viewed a punishment. Why else would we avoid it?

Psalm 46:10 "Be still and know that I am God!" God is longing to meet us in a quiet space. A space of still and silence. A space so often crowded out by good things and closed off by the tyranny of the urgent. A space that turns our focus from out to in and then from in to up. A space that turns the monologue list of requests into listening to God. A space that allows the still, small voice to cut through the noise of our lives. A space to shut off all the electronics and experience the source of true power. A space of worship. A space worth finding.

Now - "You're in time-out!" and after that, "Go to your room and take a nap!"

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