Wednesday, June 24, 2009

From We to Me: Let's Get Personal

Testimonies are powerful when we hear what God has done for a group of people far away, but they seem even more powerful when it directly happened to the individual that is sharing.
"Everything on earth will worship You; they will sing Your praises, shouting Your name in glorious songs...Come and see what God has done, what awesome miracles He does for His people!" Psalm 63: 4-5

"Come and listen, all you who fear God, and I will tell you what he did for me. For I cried out to Him for help, praising Him as I spoke....Praise God, who did not ignore my prayer and did not withdraw His unfailing love from me." Psalm 63:16, 20
Both are powerful, but the intimate confessions of a life changed goes straight to the heart. Not only will it strengthen your witness, but will strengthen your worship. For God so loved ME and I will worship Him!

Excellence from the Heart - Mark

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