Monday, June 22, 2009

I Shall Not Be Moved

Not the anthem of the church member who doesn't want to leave their pew, but heart cry of David and hopefully each one of us.
"Truly my soul waits for God; From Him comes my salvation. He only is my rock and salvation. He is my defense; I shall not be greatly moved....My soul, wait silently for God alone, for my expectation is from Him. He only is my rock and my salvation; He is my defense; I shall not be moved" Psalm 62: 1-2, 5-6
We see the progression: as we wait for God in "quiet trust", reflecting on His ability to save and protect - We will begin to see God for who He is and our position "In Christ" - We then wait in "Astonished, Dumbfounded" silence to see what this awesome God is going to do next.

We move from the hope that we will not be greatly moved (shaken) vs 2 to the confidence in Him that we will not be moved (shaken) vs 6. Stand firm in the assurance of His ability and His strength.

Excellence from the Heart - Mark

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